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YouTube & elfeed

Realized I should probably just do more short-form stream of consciousness posts and things I’m tinkering with. This will be my first ox-hugo post of essentially tossing them into one giant .org file. Going to try use this method from now on unless it’s like some sort of mega-article. TODO Background Okay, I’m sure y’all have notice Google/YouTube going full-on war on adblockers recently and while there’s options such as simply using another browser (I’ve noticed Firefox doesn’t get hit as often) I’ve decided to use this as an excuse to cut down on video consumption....

 2024/01/18 – 2024/01/18 579 words

Embedded SQL in Hugo with sqlime

Another short(-ish) post. I found a neat tutorial/example page at: It shows an embedded sqlite database, using web assembly and javascript to run interactive SQL examples without needing to hit a third-party hosted script (assuming you’re hosting it yourself). Note The SQL may give an error if it hasn’t loaded all the way - try refreshing in that case. This lets you do something like: SELECT rank() over w as "...

A Reminder to Check on Doom Defaults: Org-Agenda

So, I’ve been trying to shuffle back into using emacs for more things. This week specifically I was looking to wean myself off todoist and get back into using org-mode for tasks/todo’s, etc. I remembered finding a blog post by “but she’s a girl…” on her setup, relevant part repeated here for clarity: (def-package! org-super-agenda :after org-agenda :init (setq org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t org-agenda-include-deadlines t org-agenda-block-separator nil org-agenda-compact-blocks t org-agenda-start-day nil ;; i....

Brute Forcing Pandoc with Panflute

Hello! This is a short post, more of a “here’s an intersting thing I wandered into” type of post. I originally wrote most of my posts on TiddlyWiki, which is where resides now. I decided to move this site to Hugo and was pondering: “Could I write all my notes in org-mode, and convert them?” I remembered pandoc and how simple it was to convert various LaTeX and markdown files back and forth....

Literate Kedro: Using Org-mode for Data Science

Summary This is both a general(ish) explainer and template(s) for usage in data science, specifically utilizing (formerly) Quantum Black’s now open-source (Linux Foundation) framework for creating reproducible, maintainable, and modular data science code. What does that mean? At its most simple it basically ties things into "nodes" and "pipelines", where nodes are utility functions and functions that tie things together, and pipelines chain together multiple nodes, allowing for steps to be easily repeated....

Using ox-hugo and Org-roam for Writing

Do you like emacs and try to use it for as much as possible? Do you like static site generators? Then this post may be of relevance to you. If this all sounds greek to you, and you somehow wandered into here randomly, hoo-boy do I have a fun rabbit hole for you: Getting started with Emacs Doom. Okay, But Why? High-level: I really like emacs and writing notes in org-roam, and didn’t want to introduce mental overhead by writing things elsewhere....