
it seems that the concept of a “Schelling fence” is used in the context of precommitment and avoiding slippery slopes.

In game theory and decision theory, a precommitment is a strategy or action that an individual or group takes in advance to limit their future options or to signal their future behavior to others. A slippery slope refers to a situation where taking one action can lead to a series of increasingly negative outcomes or consequences.

In the context of a Schelling fence, it appears that establishing a clear and credible point of agreement or coordination among different interest groups can help prevent a slippery slope by limiting the range of acceptable outcomes. This could involve setting a clear boundary or rule that all parties agree to defend in order to prevent more extreme or harmful outcomes from occurring.

Overall, the concept of a Schelling fence appears to be related to the idea of establishing a focal point or point of agreement among individuals or groups to guide their behavior and prevent undesirable outcomes.


Scott Alexander’s post.

Slippery slopes can sometimes be avoided by establishing a “Schelling fence” - a Schelling point that the various interest groups involved - or yourself across different values and times - make a credible precommitment to defend.