Right now I am exporting this as my “blog roll” section of my main site. I could probably stand to clean this up, but still it shows the stuff I watch in my reader. It exports when I save, so it should be pretty much to date.

Because this is primarily for feed-reading, most of the links are to feeds that I (tried) to regex back itno normal links. I would also note that it’s in no particular order. I basically just toss them into the RSS if I find or two posts I think are neat. Future goal is to organize better, but eh.


  • Dev / Software

    Love hate relationships with these sites, but the gems I wander into from them are worth the 95% of self-aggrandizing. I usually put them in their own topic so they don’t clutter up my feeds.



The news is probably a waste of time. Limiting it down to specific publications relevant to my interest/career. Keeping this section open just-in-case.


I like comics. Need to read more.


As opposed to blog this would be collective works, literary criticism sites, etc. etc. - differentiating profit/mainstream with the magazine vs. zine distinction.




I’ve seen workflows that allow for mpd/mpc and emms to listen to podcasts inside emacs but it seemed fiddly.